network updates

You can find all updates for the red crown network here, sorted by category.

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15 August 2022

sorted under heartplace, defiers of fate .

Finished updating all of my fanlistings and sites, whew. Who let me open so many?

Tidied up a bit as I went, but the only significant update was to Defiers of Fate—all three novellas came out in English a few years ago, so there’s some notes on that. As noted on the site, I’m waiting on rereleases of the games to dive back into working on content; I haven’t played the trilogy in years at this point. Now if only Square would hurry up and do it…!

20 June 2016

sorted under defiers of fate .

Another gallery update for Defiers of Fate: I’ve completed the FFXIII-2 FMV screencap gallery.

15 June 2016

sorted under defiers of fate .

Substantial update at Defiers of Fate today: I’ve completed the screencap gallery for FFXIII, which features images from the full motion videos. Screenshots from the other two games will follow at a later date.

5 May 2016

sorted under heartplace, defiers of fate .

New layout for the Valkyrie Profile fanlisting; I was never happy with the previous one and have been wanting to change it for a while.

More new and updated pages at Defiers of Fate:
· Music page for FFXIII-2
· Novella page for FFXIII-2
· Updated novella page for FFXIII
· DLC page for FFXIII-2

30 April 2016

sorted under defiers of fate .

Finished a few more sections over at Defiers of Fate; I’ll update here whenever I have substantial updates. Today’s updates include:

· Achievement/trophy list for FFXIII-2
· Developer Q&A for FFXIII-2
· Completed FFXIII-2 art gallery
· Additions to the FFXIII art gallery

26 April 2016

sorted under defiers of fate, flash & fade .

New page at Defiers of Fate! The introduction for FFXIII-2 is now available.

I’ve entered this site into the Construction Zone event at Amassment, so there will be more small updates like this in the coming weeks (and probably longer, given the scope of the material). This is a site that benefits a lot from working on it one piece at a time, so I’m looking forward to working on it in this fashion. I’m working on Lightning in tandem with this site (for real this time) and hope to open it in the next few months.

23 March 2016

sorted under death wish, heaven's requiem, never stop dreaming, defiers of fate, winds of change .

Finishing up the last few stragglers on the great fanlisting recode project, which are mostly fansites.

· death wish had minor tweaks, nothing really significant. I’m pretty happy with this site as-is aside from a few things that I’m in no hurry to fix.

· Heaven’s Requiem got some much-needed dusting—I hadn’t touched it since I moved into this domain. Changes included small content updates, coding tweaks, and error fixing. This site’s in good shape, and while I still hope to expand it to multiple pages one day, I’m happy with it. Also, new affiliate!

· Never Stop Dreaming had similar updates. This site really needs a new layout; I’ll probably get to that long before content updates.

· Defiers of Fate mostly had minor edits today, but I’m hoping to make more significant updates to this site soon. We’ll see what shakes out. For now, the music page has been updated; I always seem to learn odd facts about the music when I update this site. I also made some edits to the linearity article that I’ve been meaning to make for a while.

· Winds of Change had a couple of coding changes (mostly fixes). I’d like to make a substantial content update here soon, so I held off on editing things now.

With that, the fanlisting recode project is complete! Now I can go back to actual site work, ha.

19 April 2015

sorted under defiers of fate .

Substantial update over at Defiers of Fate today. New article in the depth section discussing Type-0 (spoiler warning if you haven’t played it, it completely spoils the ending); update on the music page in the series section for FFXIII (I somehow missed that an album existed); and a revamp of the site section. The site section also includes a new page that discusses the upcoming sections of the site and what you can look forward to.

Future updates to Defiers of Fate will be slow. I really need to replay at least one of the games before I work on any of the content, but I’m not really motivated to do that at the moment. I’d like to get the pages for the series section done for FFXIII-2 by the end of the year (and hopefully LR too), but articles for the depth section are going to come slowly. In some vague future I will have a Lightning site to pair with this site, but I want to actually finish it before opening it, so. No time soon.

19 October 2014

sorted under rare candy, defiers of fate .

Minor updates at Defiers of Fate to reflect the fact that the PC version came out on Steam this month. I’d love to add screencaps from the PC version, but I can’t afford it anytime soon, so the media section is limited to concept art for now.

Rare Candy has a new affiliate.

6 June 2014

sorted under heartplace, defiers of fate .

Shortly after I finished playing Lightning Returns, I decided I wanted to build a fansite for the FFXIII subseries, and that I wanted to pair it with my upcoming Lightning site. I was unexpectedly approved for the FFXIII fanlisting this May, and decided to take this approval as motivation to get started on the site.

Since I only had a month to finish the fanlisting, Defiers of Fate currently only covers the first game, FFXIII, but will expand to cover the other two games in the future. I would have liked to complete more essays, as well, but: time constraints. Still, there’s a wealth of information about the first game to check out.

I was recently approved for another fanlisting subject on my to-build fansite list, so I’ll be focusing on that next.

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