network updates

You can find all updates for the red crown network here, sorted by category.

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17 April 2024

sorted under winds of change .

More productivity?! Yeah, I don’t know who I am either.

Winds of Change has received a long-overdue update: I’ve gone through every section and reworded or rewrote various things for clarity to align with the new edition of the game. (I say new, but it came out seven years ago…) I’ve also done some visual sprucing to the gameplay section to make it easier to parse so much text. While there are still things to add, the site is overall in much better shape.

5 April 2019

sorted under redcrown, heartplace, winds of change, flash & fade .

I’m alive! And I have a new fanlisting: Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. I’m especially happy about this one; FMA has been one of my favorite series for a long, long time.

Unfortunately I’m still on hiatus, although I have more free time these days than I did last year so I’d like to get a few things done. I’ve moved hosts, so there are some backend things I need to get done, but here are some vague hopes for this year:

  • Winds of Change updates? Maybe? FFXII is coming out on Switch and of course I’m going to replay it, so I’ll have fresh thoughts. Plus I still have a ton of notes and screencaps from my PS4 run.
  • Lightning? Finally? Maybe? idefk man, at this point I’ll be happy to get a page or two done. Or (god forbid) a layout.
  • that redcrown revamp I’ve been stuck on for years at this point

I promise nothing, but those are my hopes. For all I know though I’ll end up with some site I never expected instead.

30 June 2017

sorted under ivalice, winds of change .

Winds of Change is being revamped! I haven’t finished everything I’d like to yet, but I’ve made a lot of progress. The HD remaster coming out next month made for very good motivation, plus I had entered this site into the Fictional Worlds challenge at Amassment. I swear half the sites I’ve made have been thanks to a deadline.

Here’s a rundown of everything new and different:
· Recoded the header and footer to use 2 files instead of 8 (seriously), various code fixes
· Added information about The Zodiac Age to the introduction and other pages around the iste
· Completely redid the music page, added new album
· Added new screencaps to the gallery (optional cutscenes, misc gameplay caps)
· Added new links and link buttons
· Edited primer, cast, and site sections
· Significantly edited/rewrote the tips & guide pages in the gameplay section with information about TZA

I’ve also updated with new links.

23 March 2016

sorted under death wish, heaven's requiem, never stop dreaming, defiers of fate, winds of change .

Finishing up the last few stragglers on the great fanlisting recode project, which are mostly fansites.

· death wish had minor tweaks, nothing really significant. I’m pretty happy with this site as-is aside from a few things that I’m in no hurry to fix.

· Heaven’s Requiem got some much-needed dusting—I hadn’t touched it since I moved into this domain. Changes included small content updates, coding tweaks, and error fixing. This site’s in good shape, and while I still hope to expand it to multiple pages one day, I’m happy with it. Also, new affiliate!

· Never Stop Dreaming had similar updates. This site really needs a new layout; I’ll probably get to that long before content updates.

· Defiers of Fate mostly had minor edits today, but I’m hoping to make more significant updates to this site soon. We’ll see what shakes out. For now, the music page has been updated; I always seem to learn odd facts about the music when I update this site. I also made some edits to the linearity article that I’ve been meaning to make for a while.

· Winds of Change had a couple of coding changes (mostly fixes). I’d like to make a substantial content update here soon, so I held off on editing things now.

With that, the fanlisting recode project is complete! Now I can go back to actual site work, ha.

4 April 2015

sorted under ivalice, heartplace, winds of change .

The project that ate up the last few months of my life is finally done. Say hello to Winds of Change, my fansite for my favorite game of all time, Final Fantasy XII. I can say quite easily I’ve never put so much work into a site, but I’ve also never been as happy with the result. It’s a good feeling.

Features everything from a basic introduction to the game to very detailed gameplay info and indepth opinions on the plot and characters. Also, an enormous HD screencap gallery. It’s also the fanlisting for the game, adopted from the amazing Janice. It’s been two months and I’m still happily boggled by this fact. also has a new layout, which I might tweak later but I like it for now.

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