network updates

You can find all updates for the red crown network here, sorted by category.

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22 April 2024

sorted under crystarium .

I made some new codes for the Shadowbringers fanlisting and moved it over to my new FFXIV domain,, which I bought a while back.

…It is not the only FFXIV domain I currently own. We’ll see if I keep both around or stick with this one.

Also moved the Warrior of Light/G’raha Tia fanlisting over there. I may be revamping the G’raha fanlisting shortly here (we’ll see if inspiration allows it), so I’m holding off on moving him for the moment.

I also may have just bought another domain, so, uh, we’ll see where that goes…

2 October 2020

sorted under heartplace, crystarium .

Unsurprisingly, I have opened two more Final Fantasy XIV fanlistings. The fact that it isn’t more is a testament to my restraint. One of them even has a layout!

15 May 2020

sorted under ivalice, heartplace, crystarium .

Apparently I’ve forgotten to update again! I’ve opened a slew of fanlistings in the past few months, including two (!!) wishlisters. tbh, all of these were wishlisters in one way or another.

FF14 has unsurprisingly stolen my life, so a lot of these have similar layouts, but I did manage to make one for Ashe. I’d love to make a proper fansite for her one day, but for now Winds of Change will have to do. I did update with the new site.

Also, you’ll spy another new domain in there. I have no idea what I’m going to do with it yet, but I’ll figure something out.

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