network updates

You can find all updates for the red crown network here, sorted by category.

If you have any comments, feel free to leave them in the guestbook.

10 August 2022

sorted under redcrown, ghost of you .

Minor tidying at today; I updated the site to redirect to HTTPS and updated all links across the site accordingly. Unfortunately I have to edit files on each website to force HTTPS, which is a bit of a time-consuming effort with how many sites I have.

Still, between that and an overdue need to upgrade Enthusiast, I’m hoping to get through these housekeeping tasks in the next month or two.

And aside from that, I have a fansite I should be working on…

7 August 2022

sorted under ivalice, heartplace, ghost of you .

Long time no see! Since the last update, I’ve opened a couple more fanlistings:

The last one comes with a minor update to; I’ve updated the link lists and made some notes about my future plans.

And against all odds, I have a new fansite in the works. No word on when it’ll get done, but I’m making steady progress. Here’s hoping I get it done soon!

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