network updates

You can find all updates for the red crown network here, sorted by category.

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13 June 2015

sorted under heartplace, lucky sevens .

Two things today.

First, my FFVII collective has been revamped, and has been renamed to Lucky Sevens. I’ve been wanting to rename it for a long while, but had a lot of trouble coming up with a name. I’m happy I finally found one I really like.

Second, the Crisis Core fanlisting has been completely revamped and moved over to the FFVII collective. I’ve been trying to revamp this fanlisting for ages, so I’m very glad I was able to come up with something at long last. There are a few new sets of codes, and it now has information about the game and the site.

Updates from here on out will be much slower. I plan to start working on my Lightning fansite in the coming months, with relevant updates to Defiers of Fate as I make progress.

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