network updates

You can find all updates for the red crown network here, sorted by category.

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11 June 2014

sorted under heartplace .

New fanlisting! This one is for Sam & Kara from the Battlestar Galactica reboot.

6 June 2014

sorted under heartplace, defiers of fate .

Shortly after I finished playing Lightning Returns, I decided I wanted to build a fansite for the FFXIII subseries, and that I wanted to pair it with my upcoming Lightning site. I was unexpectedly approved for the FFXIII fanlisting this May, and decided to take this approval as motivation to get started on the site.

Since I only had a month to finish the fanlisting, Defiers of Fate currently only covers the first game, FFXIII, but will expand to cover the other two games in the future. I would have liked to complete more essays, as well, but: time constraints. Still, there’s a wealth of information about the first game to check out.

I was recently approved for another fanlisting subject on my to-build fansite list, so I’ll be focusing on that next.

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