network updates

You can find all updates for the red crown network here, sorted by category.

If you have any comments, feel free to leave them in the guestbook.

19 November 2017

sorted under heartplace, class select .

Opened fanlistings to my two favorite Dungeons & Dragons shows, Critical Role and The Adventure Zone. The latter is using a premade layout, unfortunately, because it is currently Nanowrimo and I didn’t have time to design something on top of writing 5,000 words a day. Just not possible. I’ll make something once November is over. (This is what I get for being an overachiever.)

Also added the jobs from The Zodiac Age to Class Select, which I meant to do ages ago, whoops.

17 February 2016

sorted under imprison, fury cutter, class select, soul dew .

A few minor updates at Class Select today; I went through the member list and removed members who weren’t linking back, and tidied up the coding. There are also a number of new link buttons available.

Fury Cutter, Imprison, and Soul Dew all have new affiliates.

I’m hoping to make more such “housekeeping” updates to the network in the coming weeks. Watch this space.

9 September 2014

sorted under ivalice, class select .

And now for something completely different! For ages I’ve wanted to make a clique for Final Fantasy jobs, and I sat down today and finally put it together. Say hello to Class Select, the newest addition to!

Since it’s Ivalice-themed, all of the jobs are from the Tactics games, but almost every FF job shows up in the Tactics games, so it evens out. If you’re interested, head over, pick your favorite job, and join up!

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