sorted under redcrown, divide, beyond the sky, drafted .
Quick update today: DIVIDE and Drafted are now affiliated with Rapture, and Beyond the Sky is now affiliated with Always. Both of these are sites you should absolutely check out, so get to it.
On a separate note: as you’ve surely noticed, site updates are going to be slow for a while as I focus on other things. I’ve been working on a domain revamp for over a year and haven’t been able to get it to come together. Hopefully I can get it to cooperate soon.
sorted under divide, drafted, moonrise .
Affiliation cubed! DIVIDE, Drafted, and Moonrise are now affiliated with Bombshell, Sophia’s fantastic new Quistis site. Definitely go check it out!
sorted under beyond the sky, imprison, drafted, soul dew, level 20, my story .
Some end-of-year updates. Sorry things have been so quiet around here; it’s been that kind of year. You know how it goes.
· Beyond the Sky is now listed at Those Who Fight, the FF character directory. Check out the other sites listed at the directory, they’re all fantastic.
· Last month, Level 20 was honored with a recommendation from The Amazing—thank you!
· New buttons from Amassment’s Secret Santa event at Imprison, Soul Dew, Level 20, Drafted, and My Story. Thanks to Tara and Masao!
sorted under divide, drafted .
New site! I’ve finally completed my one-page fansite for Laguna from FFVIII, Drafted. This site’s been a long time coming; I made the layout for the fansite half last fall when I opened the fanlisting, but the content took a while to complete.
I consider this site something of a companion to DIVIDE, since Laguna’s storyline itself runs alongside the main plot of FFVIII. It worked out well, though, and I’m happy with the result.
sorted under heartplace, drafted .
Fanlisting deadlines always make me put stuff up early, I swear. That or I need to work faster. (Probably the latter.)
Anyway! The fanlistings for Laguna from FFVIII and the Rurouni Kenshin Kyoto arc are now online. Both of these are fansites in the works; Laguna is the site I’m working on right now. I don’t have a date in mind, but hopefully it’ll be ready soon. (It’s a one-page fansite, and it has a different layout from the fanlisting, incidentally.) I plan to work on the RuroKen site after that.